LABORATORY TESTS Click to learn more TESTS ON SITE Click to learn more CE MARKING Click to learn more
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LABORATORY TESTS Click to learn more TESTS ON SITE Click to learn more MONITORING Click to learn more
WATER, AIR, LAND AND WASTE Click to learn more CHEMICAL ANALYSES Click to learn more MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES Click to learn more
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- (Italiano) VS/27 Prova di martinetto piatto doppio
- (Italiano) VS/23 Prova di martinetto piatto singolo
- (Italiano) VS/59 Prova di sovracarotaggio con cella tridimensionale (tipo “CSIRO”)
- (Italiano) VS/53 Prova di sovracarotaggio con cella bidimensionale (tipo “Doorstopper”)
- Determination of on-site thermal transmittance
- Determination of thermal conductivity with the hot plate method with guard ring
- Calculation of the thermal transmittance of the nodes of a window or door
- Sample weight, each
- Thermal transmittance of the windows or doors with a simplified method
- Sieve
- Porosimeter for concrete
- Torque wrench
- Torque wrench
- Furnace or stove
- Thermostatic tank
- Additive doser, excluding external personnel performance
- Inert substances moisture probe, excluding external personnel performance
- Thermometer
- Water doser, excluding external personnel performance
- Charpy pendulum, excluding external personnel performance
- Scales for bentonite
- Press up to 5000 kN, for one read-out, excluding external personnel performance
- Press up to 5000 kN, for each additional read-out
- Sclerometer (check to calibration anvil)
- Hydraulic jack (up to 5000 kN)
- Pressure gauges (up to 700 bar)
- Strain gauge
- Dynamometer
- Caliber
- Comparator, micrometer
- Cooking test in a muffle furnace
- Weighing scale
- Thermal expansion test
- Mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffractometer.
- Residue at 63 micron
- Modulus of rupture after drying (MOR)
- Oxidation stability (induction period)
- Chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (with loss on ignition at 1050 °C)
- Flash point
- Cetane number
- Corrosion on copper
- Point of cloudiness
- Carbonaceous residue
- Viscosity index
- Cetane index, per sample
- Lubricity determination at 60 ° C
- Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Sulphur content, per sample
- Determination of ash content, per sample
- FAME content, per sample
- Determination of CFPP, per sample
- Determination of existing solid contaminants
- Determination of viscosity, per sample
- Distillation, per sample
- Appearance, per sample
- Determination of the volume mass (density), per sample
- Determinazione acqua, per campione
- Determination of ash at 650 °C
- Quantitative determination of metals in the eluates from the leaching test or for the purpose of landfill, using ICP-OES plasma emission spectrophotometry: Arsenic, Barium, Copper, Zinc
- Determination of hydrocarbon fractions according to THWG in waste
- Determination of PCB and PCT in metallic waste for recovery
- Weekly noise measurements with fixed station for the determination of the level of vehicular traffic (RU-3)
- 2mm sieved fraction, fragment
- Execution of the leaching test according to Ministerial Decree 02/05/98 (as amended by Article 186/06) Annex 3
- Determination of acrylamide in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Field analysis with portable photoionization detector (PID) for the research of volatile compounds
- Estimation of the composition of the hydraulic binder through the determination of soluble aluminium, silica, iron and the relative calculation
- Determination of nitrites in soils
- Determination of Resistivity in reinforced earth
- Determination of esters of phthalic acid in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of the presence of Dimethyl fumarate in silica gel in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of pH in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of dioxins and furans in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of non-carcinogenic chlorinated aliphatics in excavated earth and rock and in waste
- Determination of non-ionic surfactants (TAS) in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of halogenated solvents in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of nitrates in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of organic nitrogen solvents in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of organic aromatic solvents in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of total solid fixed at 550 °C in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of anionic surfactants (MBAS) in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of chlorinated pesticides in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of mineral hydrocarbons (C 10 – C 40) in waste
- Determination of PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of light hydrocarbons C <12 in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of heavy hydrocarbons C> 12 (C 13-C 40) in excavated earth and rocks
- Determination of chlorophenols in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of aromatic amines in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of phytopharmaceuticals in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of chlorobenzenes in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of phenols in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of non-carcinogenic halogenated aliphatics in excavated earth and rock and in waste
- Determination of nitrobenzenes in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of organic aromatic compounds (BTEX) in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of carcinogenic halogenated aliphatics in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determination of cyanides in excavated earth and rocks
- Determination of fluorides in excavated earth and rocks
- Determinazione carbonio organico totale (TOC) nelle terre e rocce da scavo e nei rifiuti
- Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in excavated earth and rocks and in waste
- Determinazione residuo secco a 105 °C e contenuto di acqua nelle terre e rocce da scavo e nei rifiuti
- Determination of Pb, Cd, As, Ni, in the PM10 fraction of suspended particulate
- Sampling of earth and/or waste matrices
- Determination of carbonyl compounds (Acetaldehyde, Acroeline, Benzaldehyde, Butanal, Exanal, Formaldehyde, Isopentanal, Pentanal, Propanal)
- Determination of the mass concentration of PM 10 and PM 2.5 by gravimetric method
- Determination of organic acids (acetic acid)
- Determination of acrylonitrile
- Determination of hexavalent chromium
- Determination of hydrochloric acid
- Determination of wood dusts
- Determination of hydrocyanic acid
- Determination in solvents in working environments
- Determination of oil mists in working environments
- Determination of sulphides
- Determination of oxygen or carbon dioxide (electrochemical cells)
- Determination of welding fumes in working environments
- Determination of solvents for paints
- Determination of Sox or Nox
- Sampling of interstitial gas for bubbling detection and determination of ammonia
- Sampling of airborne free fibres
- Quantitative determination of free asbestos fibres by PCOM
- Microclimate and TBI (temperature, humidity, ventilation)
- Determination of total dust as respirable fraction on membrane
- Determination of dioxins
- Determination of PCB + PCT + PCN + PCDF
- Determination of flow and temperature
- Determination of TOC and VOC
- Determination of organic anions
- Determination of condensation water
- Determination of chlorine
- Determination of inorganic anions
- Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- Determination of metals
- Determination of formic aldehyde-ozone-hydrogen sulphide
- Determination of total organic substances
- Determination of carbon monoxide and dioxide
- Determination of halogens and their compounds
- Determination of nitrogen and sulphur oxides
- Determination of dustiness by gravimetric method
- Determination of the crystalline silica content
- Clostridium perfringens in water
- Sampling of work environment atmosphere
- Spores of sulphite reducing clostridia in water
- Legionella in water
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water
- Escherichia coli in water
- Intestinal enterococci in water
- Salmonella spp. in water
- Yeasts and molds in the water
- Total coliforms in water
- Faecal coliforms in water
- Total bacterial count (22°C) in water
- Total bacterial count (30 °C) in water
- Determination of the smell
- Determination of detergents
- Determination of the colour
- Determination of the phosphate content
- Determination of oils and fats
- Determination of mineral salts
- Determination of suspended solids
- Determination of alkali content (such as Na2O equivalent)
- Determination of organic substances
- Determination of hydrogen sulphide
- Determination of ammonia content
- Determination of nitrate content
- Determination of magnesium content
- Determination of free carbon dioxide content
- Determination of chloride content
- Determination of sulphate content
- Determination of pH
- Determination of temporary hardness
- Determination of total hardness
- Calculation of Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) by the determination of Magnesium, Sodium and Calcium, by sample
- Quantitative determination of metals in wastewater, groundwater, discharged onto the soil and for human consumption, using ICP-OES plasma emission spectrophotometry: Mercury, Phosphorus
- Determination of BTEX in water
- Determination of total nitrogen in water
- Determination of radioactive substances in water, including: Total alpha activity, Total beta activity, Total indicative dose (TID)
- Determination of Epichlorohydrin in water
- Determination Bromate in water
- Determination of smell in water
- Determination of vinyl chloride in water
- Determination of chlorite in water
- Determination of Trialomethanes – total in water
- Determination of carcinogenic chlorinated aliphatic solvents in water
- Analytical, taxonomic and quantitative determinations of phytoplantonic and zooplantonic populations with evaluation of transparency in surface waters
- Determination of C> 12 heavy hydrocarbons in water
- Determination of chlorides in water
- Determination of light hydrocarbons C <12 in water
- Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in water
- Determination of sulphates in water
- Determination of chlorophenols in water
- Determination of phytopharmaceuticals and pesticides in water
- Determination of nitrobenzenes in water
- Determination of chlorobenzenes in water
- Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in water
- Determination of halogenated aliphatic solvents in water
- Determination of phosphorated pesticides in water
- Determination of pesticides and similar products in water
- Determination of nitrous nitrogen (as N-NO2 or NO2) in water
- Determination of nitric nitrogen (as N-NO3 or NO3) in water
- Determination of total surfactants in water
- Determination of sulphides in water
- Determination of free active chlorine in water
- Determination of fluorides in water
- Determination of sulphite content in water
- Determination of oxidability – Kubel in water
- Determination of cyanides in water
- Determination of aromatic organic solvents in water, per sample
- Determination of nitrates (such as N-NO3 or NO3) in water
- Determination of chlorinated organic solvents in water
- Determination of total hydrocarbons in water
- Determination of aromatic amines in water
- Determination of nitrogenous solvents in water
- Determination of aldehydes in water
- Determination of vegetable and animal fats and oils in water
- Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen (as N-NH4 or as NH4) in water
- Determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in water
- Determination of cationic surfactants in water
- Determination of free carbon dioxide in water
- Determination of total phenols in water
- Determination of the temperature in water
- Determination of colour in water
- Determination of electrical conductivity in water
- Redox potential in water
- TAS non-ionic surfactants in water
- Determination of acrylamide in water
- MBAS anionic surfactants in water
- Determining Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in water
- Determination of turbidity content in water
- Determination of dry residue at 180° in water
- Determination of coarse sedimentable substances in water
- Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in water
- Determination of total alkalinity in water
- Determination of suspended solids in water
- Determination of total hardness in water
- Determination of dissolved oxygen in water
- Sampling of water matrices
- Determination of pH in water
- Monitoring of the movement of cracks on concrete structures carried out with a mechanical strain gauge and millesimal comparator
- Dynamic pile load test (CASE method)
- Load test on floor or beam with load applied with push jacks and measurement of deflections with centesimal comparators
- Static load test on decks with measurements of the deflections carried out by level of precision, for the whole premises
- Load test on floor or beam with pillow tanks, for the whole premises
- Load test on a floor or beam with load applied with pull jacks and measurements of deflections with centesimal comparators, for the whole premises
- Static load test on decks with supporting structure of any kind with application of vertical static loads represented by one or more freight trains with known capacity according to the requirements of
- Dynamic load tests on decks with a supporting structure of any kind with the application of dynamic pulses and detection of the response frequencies by means of accelerometers applied at determined po
- Monitoring, during the 24 hours before the pile load test, of the thermal influence on the failure measurement system
- Load test on parapet or masonry wall
- Test of resistance to wind load on soundproof panels
- Load test on concrete beam
- Bending test on the upright of highway barriers
- Determination of the collapse value on vertical uprights
- Traction test on micropiles
- Bending test on pipes
- Axial load test on foundation piles
- Static testing of sound-absorbing panels
- Verification of hydraulic seal on sewer with pneumatic plugs for temporary obstruction of pipes from 150 mm to 800 mm in diameter, excluding external performance of personnel and technical report
- Verification of hydraulic seal on aqueducts, excluding external personnel performance
- Axial load test on foundation micropiles
- Television sewer inspection with portable system, control panel with monitor and service monitor, cable reel, camera with rotating head (9 bar) with lighting ring, steering tractor with pantograph; ad
- Extraction test on coach screws
- Verification of tie rod tensioning
- On-site determination of the resistance to extraction of rock anchors such as Super Swellex, Dywidag or similar
- On-site determination of the resistance to the extraction of rock anchors, for each anchorage, such as Dywidag bars or similar
- Determination of the clamping force of bolts
- On-site determination of the resistance to extraction of rock anchors
- Determination of site density
- Measurement of the irregularity of the flooring: measurement with ruler
- Determination of the transverse adhesion coefficient
- Determination of the regularity of the flooring (International Roughness Index)
- Determination of the deflection of a flexible superstructure – Falling weight deflectrometer
- Determination of the coefficient of retroreflected luminance
- Determination of the permeability of the flooring
- Determination of the thickness of a flooring – Ground Penetrating Radar
- Determination of the surface macro-roughness of the flooring
- Determination of a surface’s resistance to slippage/drifting
- Determination of the deflection of a flexible superstructure – Benkelman beam
- Determination of the sieving residue and determination of the storage stability by sieving
- Determination of adhesion
- Determination of stability to mixing with cement
- Determination of the efflux time
- Determination of pH
- Determination of the rupture index
- Sampling
- Determination of the polarity of the particles
- Determination of the Engler viscosity
- Determination of the portion retained with a 0.85 mm sieve
- Determination of sedimentation
- Determination of the recovered binder and flux oils by distillation
- Determination of water content
- Determination of polymer content**
- Bitumen recovery
- Quantity of sprayed bitumen
- Determination of the degree of compaction
- Sampling of bituminous conglomerates
- Temperature measurement
- Cyclic compression test
- Determination of the maximum theoretical density
- Determination of sensitivity to water
- Imprint test
- Determination of stiffness
- Mix design of a cold recycled materials
- Initial type tests
- Cantabro test
- Mix design of a hot bituminous conglomerate
- Preparation of specimens by rotary press
- Determination of sound absorption (Kundt’s tube)
- Determination of indirect tensile strength
- Determination of the characteristics of vacuums
- Recovery of bitumen from a solution with the Abson method
- Determination of the permeability of a specimen
- Determination of the granulometry (after extraction of the binder)
- Determination of the binder content by ignition
- Determination of the density of compacted samples
- Determination of the thickness of a flooring – Coring
- Preparation of specimens by impact compactor
- Determination of the binder content by solvent extraction
- Marshall test
- Determination of polymer content**
- Resistance to permanent deformation (rutting)
- Determination of the influence of the filler on the softening point of a bituminous binder with ball and ring method
- Determination of the softening point using the Wilhelmi method
- Determination of the storage stability of modified bitumen
- Determination of resistance to hardening – RTFOT method
- Determination of the flash and fire point
- Determination of the dynamic viscosity
- Determination of elastic return
- Sampling of bituminous binders
- Determination of paraffin content
- Determination of ductility
- Determination of solubility
- Determination of the loss due to heating (volatility)
- Determination of the penetration index
- Determination of kinematic viscosity
- Determination of the breaking point according to the Fraass method
- Determination of density and specific weight
- Determination of the needle penetration
- Determination of the softening point with ball and ring method
- Determination of organic contaminants **
- Determination of loss on ignition**
- Determination of the content of humic substance
- Determination of initial consumption of lime (ICL)
- Determination of the total carbonate content, expressed as CaCO3, by calcimetry
- Determination of sulphate content in soil
- Determination of the content of organic substances in a soil (ASTM method)
- Determination of the pH of a soil
- Capillary ascent test
- Determination of the content of organic substances of a soil (AFNOR method)
- Indirect tensile test on cylindrical specimens of cemented mixture
- Measurement of swelling after imbibition of compacted specimen in CBR hollow punch
- Compression test on cylindrical specimens of cemented mixture, or on lime/cement stabilised earth
- Specimen reconstitution with known water content and density, for cutting, edometric and triaxial tests
- Measurement of swelling after imbibition of compacted specimen in CBR hollow punch
- Determination of the variation of the CBR bearing index of earth as a function of compaction humidity
- Consolidated drained CD triaxial test (3 specimens)
- Resonant column test
- Unconsolidated undrained UU triaxial test (3 specimens)
- Consolidated undrained CU triaxial test (3 specimens)
- Cyclic torsional shear test
- Simple unconfined compression test on earth (ELL)
- Determination of residual resistance parameters by direct shear test (with simplified procedure)
- Shear test with annular device for determining the residual shear strength
- Shear test with laboratory scissometer – Vane Test (average of 3 tests)
- Direct shear test performed with Casagrande box (3 specimens)
- Oedometric consolidation test
- Determination of the deformation/pressure from swelling in oedometer
- Determination of the direct permeability coefficient, at constant load or at variable load in permeameter
- Determination of the direct permeability coefficient (variable load) in oedometer
- Determination of permeability coefficient in a triaxial cell
- Determination of the degree of pulverisation of a stabilized soil by treatment with lime/cement
- Determination of the relative density of a soil
- Proctor compaction test with punch diam. 150mm (standard Proctor)
- Determination of the density in heap and of the intergranular voids
- Proctor compaction test with punch diam. 250mm (standard Proctor)
- Proctor compaction test with punch diam. 100mm (standard Proctor)
- Proctor compaction test with punch diam. 150mm (Proctor mod.)
- Proctor compaction test with punch diam. 250mm (Proctor mod.)
- Classification of organic land
- Proctor compaction test with punch diam. 100mm (Proctor mod.)
- Determination of the shrinkage limit of a soil
- Geotechnical classification of a soil
- Particle size analysis for sedimentation (areometry)
- Determination of the consistency limits (or Atterberg) of a land: liquid limit and plastic limit
- Granulometric analysis of a soil using screens and sieves, for large pieces (over 30 kg)
- Granulometric analysis of a soil using screens and sieves, wet method
- Granulometric analysis of a soil using screens and sieves, dry method
- Granulometric analysis of a soil using screens and sieves, wet method
- Determination of the natural density (natural volume weight) of a soil by hydrostatic weighing (paraffinated specimen)
- Determination of the density of solid granules (real specific weight) – pycnometer method
- Determination of the content in water
- Determination of the index properties: real density, apparent density, porosity, void ratio, degree of saturation
- Determination of the natural density (natural volume weight) of fine grained soils by geometric measurement (calibrated punch)
- Opening (with punch extraction) and description of an undisturbed sample of soil with possible approximate determination of the resistance of consistent soils with pocket penetrometer and/or Torvane
- – Natural stone products – Determination of resistance to accelerated aging by thermal shock, excluding specimen preparation
- Natural stone products – Determination of the resistance to salt crystallisation
- Natural stone products – Determination of resistance to abrasion (rotating disc method)
- Natural stone products – Determination of resistance to aging due to sulphur dioxide in the presence of moisture, excluding specimen preparation
- Natural stone products – Determination of flexural strength (series of 10 specimens)
- Natural stone products – Determination of frost resistance (technological test: flexural strength)
- Natural stone products – Determination of real and apparent densities and total and open porosity
- Natural stone products – Determination of water absorption at atmospheric pressure
- Natural stone products – Determination of water vapour permeability Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products Determination of transmission properties
- Natural stone products – Determination of slip resistance
- Natural stone products – Determination of compressive strength (series of 10 specimens)
- Natural stone products – Determination of frost resistance (technological test: compressive strength)
- Natural stone products – Determination of the water absorption coefficient by capillarity, excluding specimen preparation
- Natural stone products – Determination of geometric characteristics (dimensional checks)
- Natural stone products – Determination of the flatness of the surfaces
- Cutting and grinding of pieces of rock core logs, excluding possible recoring of a smaller diameter
- Collection of cubic or prismatic specimens
- Collection of cylindrical specimens
- Determination of the Shrink Swell Index (SSI) on a sample subjected to radial confinement
- Determination of the swelling pressure index (SPi) at constant volume
- Determination of the total carbonate content of a rock, expressed as CaCO3, by calcimetry
- Permeability test in Hoek cell
- Freezing cycles (48 from -12 °C to +20 °C)
- Slake durability test
- Determination of impact resistance (breaking energy)
- Freezing cycles (20 from -10°C to +35°C)
- Preparation of an aggregate sample by crushing and screening, for abrasiveness and/or fragmentation tests
- Determination of wear coefficient by sliding friction using a tribometer
- Brittleness test
- Determination of abrasion and resistance to fragmentation AFNOR
- Determination of Knoop micro-hardness
- Determination of the DRI index (joint Siever’s J-value test and Brittleness test)
- Drilling test for the determination of the “Sj” drilling rate index according to the Siever’s method
- Hardness test with NCB Cone Indenter
- CERCHAR abrasiveness test
- Drilling test (CERCHAR hardness)
- Determination of the JRC roughness index of a natural rock joint by profilometer (Barton’s comb)
- Shear test on an artificial joint for the determination of the angle of basic friction
- Determination of the angle of basic friction by means of the “Tilt test”
- Determination of shear strength on natural rock joints, with axial stresses up to 100 MPa
- Determination of the puncture resistance index by means of the “point load test”
- Determination of the sclerometric index on rock core logs
- Determination of the flexural strength
- Determination of indirect tensile strength (“Brazilian” test)
- Triaxial compression test, with Hoek cell (diam. 38.1-54.7 mm) up to confinement pressures of 30 MPa, excluding preparation, by specimen
- Triaxial compression test (such as RO/12 with rendering of the stress/strain diagram and determination of the secant and tangent elastic modulus, excluding preparation, by specimen
- Determination of the failure envelope parameters using the non-linear Hoek-Brown failure criterion
- Determination of the simple monoaxial compressive strength
- Determination of the monoaxial compressive strength with rendering of the stress/strain diagram and determination of the secant and tangent elastic modulus and of the Poisson coefficient
- Determination of the propagation velocity of longitudinal waves (P waves) on rock samples in the laboratory
- Determination of the propagation velocity of shear waves (S waves) on rock samples in the laboratory
- Determination of the apparent density (volume weight) on irregularly shaped specimens of rocks sensitive to water, by hydrostatic weighing after waxing
- Determination of the real density (specific weight) – pycnometer method
- Determination of the apparent density (volume weight), on specimens of regular shape by geometric measurement
- Determination of the apparent density (volume weight) on irregularly shaped specimens by hydrostatic weighing, after saturation with application of a vacuum
- Determination of the water content of a rock
- Determination of the index properties: real density, apparent density, porosity, void ratio, degree of saturation, water content
- Petrographic analysis of thin section under a microscope
- Mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffractometry
- Opening and description of a rock sample
- Petrographic examination with optical microscope in reflected light
- Vertical drilling performed in rotation with coating piping and continuous coring with corers with a minimum diameter of 85 mm, in soils with fine granulometry such as: clays, sand, silt
- MASW geophysical survey with Vs30 determination
- DPSH penetrometric test with a heavy/super-heavy “Terzaghi” dynamic penetrometer equipped with a 160-pound automatic release hammer with a fall height of 75cm, for each test metre
- CPT test with 10t static penetrometer with tip resistance and lateral friction measurement every 20cm, for each test metre
- Verification of lime/cement dosage on site (stabilization of soils in situ)
- Phenolphthalein test on soils treated with lime/cement stabilization
- SCPT test with medium dynamic penetrometer, for each test metre
- Inclinometer measurements
- Collection of undisturbed soil samples
- Stratigraphy of geognostic wells
- Determination of the RQD index on geognostic survey core logs
- Determination of the permeability coefficient in situ with Guelph permeameter
- Determination of the permeability coefficient in situ with a double-ring infiltrometer
- Permeability test in situ, in well
- Determination of the permeability coefficient in situ with Boutwell permeameter
- Determinazione dell’indice di portanza CBR di una terra in sito
- Determination of the “K” reaction modulus by means of a load test on a circular plate (diam. 76 cm)
- Load test on plate with repeated cycles (diam. 45-60-75 cm) with HRB method on flexible floorings
- Determination of dynamic deformation modulus in-situ by light-weight falling deflectometer (LFWD)
- Determination of the specific weight of a soil in situ (punch sampler method)
- Determination of the deformation modulus by means of a load test on a circular plate (diam. 30-45-60 cm)
- Determination of the apparent specific weight of a soil in situ – Membrane volumetric method
- Determination of the specific weight of a soil in situ (waterproof cloth method)
- Determination of the specific weight of a soil in situ (sand replacement method diam. 165 mm)
- Determination of the specific weight of a soil in situ (sand replacement method diam. 300 mm)
- Decantation of the suspension
- Measurement of the free water and the thickness of the “cake” for press-filtering
- Determination of the liquidity limit
- Determination of the density with Baroid balance
- Determination of the Marsh viscosity
- Determination of the sand content
- Determination of carbon dioxide permeability
- Determination of water vapour permeability
- Determination of lead chromate content
- Determination of abrasion resistance (Taber Test: Abrading rubber wheel method)
- Determination of abrasion resistance (Taber Test: Abrading rubber wheel method)
- Determination of the non-volatile residue
- Evaluation of chemical resistances after 20 days of immersion at 25 °C in different chemical solutions
- Determination of titanium oxide content
- Granulometric microspheres analysis
- Determination of the % of beads
- Spectrophotometric analysis by IR
- Cross-cut test in situ on painted laminate
- Impact resistance
- Bucholz hardness
- Corrosion resistance in neutral salt mist chamber
- Drawing test
- Determination of mandrel bend
- Hardness by pencil test (ASTM D3363: 2000)
- Paint thickness test on concrete by engraving
- Determination in humidostatic chamber (500 hours)
- Specific weight
- Determination of the thickness of the coating with a microscope
- Determination in humidostatic chamber (150 hours)
- Abrasion resistance with tribometer
- Dry residue by volume
- Determination of the adhesion strength of paints and varnishes to the support
- Determination of the thickness of the paint and varnish layer using the magnetic method
- Determination of the water-soluble chloride content of fresh mortars
- Chemical characterisation of a mortar
- Determination of adherence to the support of external and internal plaster mortars
- Determination of water vapour permeability
- Determination of water retention of cement grouts
- Determination of the coefficient of water absorption by capillarity of the hardened mortar
- Determination of the amount of mixture water exuded
- Determination of restricted expansion
- Determination of the fluidity of cement grouts with the use of the modified Marsh cone
- Determination of the workability time and the correction time of the fresh mortar
- Determination of the apparent density of fresh mortar
- Determination of the granulometric distribution (by sieving)
- Determination of the consistency of fresh mortar (by shake table)
- Determination of Formaldehyde release, by sample
- Determination of Pentachlorophenol, by sample
- Shear strength test of bonding surfaces
- Visual classification of wood
- Determination of shear strength
- Delamination test of bonding surfaces
- Strength and stiffness of joints made with nails, screws, pins, bolts
- Resistance to extraction of mechanical connecting elements
- Resistance to bearing stress
- Strength and stiffness of joints made with metal sheet elements
- Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the grain, by specimen
- Specimen preparation for tests from LG/01 to LG/09, by specimen
- Determination of flexural elastic modulus, by specimen
- Determination of tensile strength parallel to the grain, by specimen
- Determination of compressive strength parallel to the grain, by specimen
- Determination of static flexural strength, by specimen
- Determination of humidity, by specimen
- Determination of the density, by specimen
- Determination of the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain, by specimen
- Conditioning, by specimen
- Determination of the average density of the annual rings, by specimen
- Determination of alkalis
- Determination of soluble phosphate
- Determination of the density of non-metallic expansive agents for cement mixes
- Determination of reactive silica in ashes
- Determination of the ferric oxide content in the ash
- Determination of the content of calcium oxide in the ash
- Determination of the silica content in the ash
- Determination of the aluminium oxide content in the ash
- Determination of the fineness of the ash
- Determination of the ash activity index
- Determination of sulphuric anhydride in the ash
- Determination of free calcium oxide in the ash
- Determination of chloride in the ash
- Determination of the loss on ignition of the ash
- Determination of SO3 in the lime
- Determination of the water-soluble Chromium VI content
- Determination of MgO in lime
- Determination of CaO in the lime
- Determination of carbon dioxide in lime
- Determination of the reactivity to water of the lime
- Determination of sodium oxide
- Determination of free water in the lime
- Determination of iron oxide
- Determination of aluminium oxide
- Determination of potassium oxide
- Determination of calcium oxide
- Determination of silica
- Determination of the content of C4AF
- Determination of the alumina content
- Determination of chloride content
- Determination of the content of C3A
- Determination of magnesium oxide content
- Pozzolanicity test
- Determination of sulphuric anhydride (sulphates)
- Determination of loss on ignition
- Determination of the insoluble residue
- Determination of fineness by air permeability meter
- Determination of the heat of hydration with the solution method
- Determination of the heat of hydration with the semi-adiabatic method
- Compressive strength
- Flexural strength
- Setting test
- Determination of the density of cement
- Fineness check
- Stability test
- Determination of the chemical composition of fibreglass pipes
- Impermeability test on clay tiles, by specimen
- Dimensional checks (internal and external diameter, internal wall thickness, liner thickness)
- Determination of compressive strength
- Determination of Barcol surface hardness
- Determination of the glass fibre content by calcimetry at 850 °C
- Initial specific annular rigidity
- Hydraulic sealing test
- Determination of water absorption
- Determination of Charpy impact resistance
- Determination of shear strength
- Determination of modulus of elasticity
- Determination of flexural strength
- Determination of density
- Determination of tensile strength
- Impact test
- Thermal stability (OIT)
- Resistance to hydrostatic pressure at 80 °C – Duration 1000 hours
- Resistance to hydrostatic pressure at 80 °C – Duration 165 hours
- Determination of annular flexibility
- Resistance to crushing on polyethylene pipes
- Fluidity index on Polyethylene pipe (Melt Index)
- Determination of annular rigidity
- Dimensional checks (internal Ø, external Ø, internal wall thickness), by sample
- RIGID PVC PIPES: Size and straightness
- RIGID PVC PIPES: Water absorption, by series
- Quantitative analysis of PolyBromoBiphenyls (PBB) and PolyBromoDiphenylEthers (PBDE)
- RIGID PVC PIPES: Appearance examination
- Determination of water absorption
- Initial ITT tests on polymer fibre for concrete: tensile strength and elastic modulus
- Artificial aging by exposure to UV radiation
- Charpy impact resistance
- Determination of compressive strength
- Determination of shear strength
- Determination of modulus of elasticity
- Determination of flexural strength
- Determination of density
- Determination of tensile strength
- Elastic modulus
- Gas seal
- Evaluation of the action of microorganisms
- Light transmittance
- Suitability for contact with drinking water
- Resistance to hail
- Identification of the rubber polymer
- Accelerated aging in air (7 days at 70 °C or 125 ° C) to determine variations in hardness and traction
- Calcium carbonate content
- Resistance to explosion
- Straightness
- Compression force relaxation
- Water permeability
- Base polymer analysis and carbon black content
- IRHD hardness
- Residual deformation (compression set) on rubber cylinders
- Environmental stress cracking
- Limit temperature of fragility (rubber)
- Determination of the width
- Thermal expansion coefficient
- Determination of hot flow (bituminous membranes)
- Determination of the length
- Determination of tensile strength of joints (direct cutting method)
- Determination of the resistance to peeling
- Resistance to acid, alkaline and saline solutions (28 days at 23 °C)
- Hot shape stability
- Sealing test on welds, excluding external personnel performance
- Resistance to deterioration in ozone, per each day
- Fire behaviour (class B2 DIN or Class E UNI EN 13501)
- Compressive strength
- Permeability to water vapour
- Resistance to hydrocarbons (7 days at 23 °C)
- Hot dimensional stability
- Thermal aging (6h at 80 °C)
- Changes in mass, size, appearance and physical properties
- Determination of water absorption
- Determination of air mass
- Determination of cold flexibility (up to -40 °C)
- Determination of heat resistance
- Determination of tear resistance
- Determination of Shore A or D hardness at room temperature
- Determination of tensile strength
- Determination of resistance to dynamic punching
- Determination of impermeability to water
- Determination of the thickness
- Determination of density
- Determination of resistance to static punching
- Resistance to hydrolysis
- Resistance to percolation, for each solution
- Determination of the permeability coefficient in a triaxial cell
- Resistance to roots
- Determination of short-term compression behaviour (textured membranes)
- Resistance to oxidation
- Chemical resistance for landfill applications
- Resistance to atmospheric agents
- Microbiological resistance by burial test
- Determination of the in-plane draining capacity (longitudinal transmissivity), for a static load applied and with a hydraulic gradient
- Simulation of damage during installation
- Determination of normal permeability to the plane
- Determination of resistance to dynamic punching
- Determination of tear resistance (trapezoid method)
- Filtration test on geotextiles: determination of the characteristic opening size
- Fire behaviour (class E according to UNI EN 13501)
- Determination of the nominal thickness
- Determination of thickness under load (up to 500 KPa)
- Determination of tensile strength
- Determination of the transversal or radial permeability coefficient under load (20 and 200 KPa)
- Determination of air mass
- Determination of resistance to static punching (CBR method)
- Determination of the transversal deformation of adhesives and cementitious sealants
- Determination of adhesion by traction on cementitious adhesives (initial adhesion and/or 6 h adhesion for quick products)
- Determination of creep under maintained tensile load, for synthetic resin-based products intended for anchorage of reinforcements
- Test of anchoring products with the extraction method
- Determination of the secant compression elastic modulus on cylindrical samples
- Determination of water resistance under positive and negative pressure
- Measurement of adhesion by direct traction with pawls diam. 100mm.
- Determination of resistance to carbonation
- Determination of shear strength (adhesion to concrete – angular cutting method)
- Measurement of adhesion by direct traction with pawls diam. 50mm., excluding preparation of the specimen and possible external personnel performance, each
- Determination of the colour
- Determination of the active component by analysis with IR spectrophotometer
- Determination of the content of soluble chlorides
- Determination of the content of SiO2
- Determination of surface tension
- Determination of the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of solutions containing additives
- Determination of chlorine
- Determination of the density of liquid or solution additives
- Determination of alkali content (such as Na2O equivalent)
- Determination of dry matter content
- Determination of the fixed residue
- Determination of solubility in distilled water and in saturated lime water
- Determination of compatibility of monolayer mortars for outdoor use with support
- Determination of turbidity level (residue after filtration and organoleptic characteristics)
- Determination of the chloride content in the concrete
- ITT tests on concrete fibres: determination of the strength and consistency of concrete
- Determination of temperature in fresh concrete
- Pre-qualification study of concrete conglomerate with the use of n4 (max) aggregate classes, including: granulometric analysis of aggregates – mass determination
- Determination of the tensile strength due to bending on concrete beams reinforced with steel fibre (limit of proportionality (LOP), residual strength)
- Determination of the strength of the hardened concrete using a Windsor probe
- Determination of the setting temperature of the in-situ concrete by means of thermocouples
- Determination of initial cracking resistance and ductility indexes on fibre-reinforced concrete beams
- Determination of the initial resistance of the sprayed concrete, with the needle penetration method.
- Determination of resistance on sprayed concrete by Hilti gun
- Determination of the fibre content in the concrete
- Determination of the energy absorption capacity of fibre-reinforced test plates
- Determination of the resistance to degradation by freeze-thaw cycles
- Determination of resistance to freeze-thaw cycles (scaling) with antifreeze salts
- Non-metallic expanding agents for cement mixes: Determination of restricted expansion in concrete
- Determination of hydraulic shrinkage in concrete (axial or superficial)
- Determination of the penetration profile of chloride ions for each determination of the % of chloride ion
- Corrosion and protection of the concrete reinforcement: Determination of the depth of carbonation
- Determination of the penetrability of the sulphate ion
- Passing ability test by J-ring (J-ring test)
- Determination of the adhesion by direct traction on core logs
- Corrosion and protection of the concrete reinforcement: Determination of the penetrability of the chloride ion
- Passing ability test by L-shaped box (L box test)
- Splitting test by sieve
- Volumetric determination by pressure of the air content in fresh concrete
- Spreading and spreading time test (slump-flow test)
- Efflux time test (V-fannel test)
- Determination of the density of fresh concrete
- Determination of the compactability index
- Determination of the spreading of fresh concrete using the shake table
- Determination of the consistency of fresh concrete, slump cone test
- Determination of the consistency of fresh concrete, Vébé test
- Determination of the amount of mixture water exuded in fresh concrete
- Determination of the concrete setting start and end times by measuring the penetration resistance
- Determination of the homogeneity of fresh concrete
- Determination of the cement content in the hardened concrete (Florentin method) by analysis of the soluble silica in the hardened concrete, in the cement and in the various classes of aggregate
- Determination of the secant compression elastic modulus on cylindrical or prismatic samples
- Composition check of fresh concrete
- Determination of total water content
- Ultrasonic surveys on foundation piles and concrete walls (Cross-Hole)
- Ecometric test on foundation piles
- Determination of the pull-out force with inserts pre-incorporated into the casting in concrete structures
- Determination of the propagation speed of ultrasonic impulses on manufactured articles in homogeneous material
- Determination of water absorption at atmospheric pressure
- Determination of the sclerometric index in concrete structures
- Permeability test (Darcy)
- Determination of the resistance related to the carbonation of the concrete
- Indirect tensile test per specimen
- Determination of the density of hardened concrete
- Determination of the water penetration depth under pressure
- Compressive strength on cubic and cylindrical specimens
- Bending test on hardened concrete specimens
- Classification test for the constituents of the large recycled aggregates
- Determination of the expansion of steelworks slag
- Determination of the length of the particles (railway ballasts)
- Granulometry of the fillers
- Comparison in concrete with aggregates of known characteristics
- Determination of shatter resistance
- Determination of shrinkage by drying
- Determination of fulvic acid content
- Boiling test for basalt “Sonnenbrand”
- Determination of the water solubility of the aggregates
- Determination of total sulphur content
- Determination of the influence of recycled aggregates on the setting time of cement
- Determination of the abrasion value
- Determination of the shell content
- Determination of the material passing through a 0.063mm sieve
- Determination of the resistance to thermal shock
- Determination of the number of bitumen
- Determination of affinity between aggregate and bitumen
- Determination of wear resistance
- Determination of calcium carbonate content
- Determination of the influence of the filler on the softening point of a bituminous binder with ball and ring method
- Determination of the reactivity of the aggregates in the presence of alkali, accelerated expansion test of mortar specimens
- Determination of the reactivity of the aggregates in the presence of alkali, long-term expansion test of mortar specimens
- Determination of the porosity of the compacted dry filler
- Determination of density with vibrating table
- Determination of the content of acid-soluble chlorides
- Determination of the potential reactivity of aggregates in the presence of alkalis (chemical method)
- Determination of the sandability value
- Determination of the shape of the granules – Flattening index
- Determination of the shattering coefficient
- Determination of the water content
- Determination of the imbibition coefficient
- Aggregate sampling methods
- Determination of the porosity, percentage of voids and void index of the aggregates
- Determination of resistance to frost and thaw
- Determination of the percentage of shattered surfaces
- Determination of the shape of the granules – Shape index
- Determination of fragmentation resistance
- Methylene blue
- Determination of compressive strength
- Determination of the content of humic substance**
- Equivalent in sand
- Determination of the content of water-soluble chlorides
- Determination of the density of the granules and the water absorption
- Determination of the content of water-soluble sulphates
- Determination of the content of acid-soluble sulphates
- Determination of degradability, magnesium sulphate test
- Determination of the content of light contaminants
- Determination of density in heap
- Determination of the material passing through a 0.075 mm sieve
- Determination of the content of lumps of clay and friable particles
- Determination of the granulometric distribution
- Petrographic examination of thin section
- Petrographic examination
- Determination of elastic modulus
- Dimensional checks
- Preparation of strands or braids for tensile and/or elastic modulus tests
- Traction test on strands or braids excluding preparation
- Test for resistance to separation of the welding node of electro-welded meshes, including preparation
- Identification of the trademark of the production plant
- Tensile tests on electro-welded meshes and pylons, including preparation
- Stress-strain diagram related to the tensile test
- Breaking load test on brass cap
- Dimensional checks
- Sliding test of short-lasting bolted joints
- Sliding test of long-lasting bolted joints
- Chemical analysis with quantometer
- Tensile test on brass sample delivered by the Customer
- Resistance to humid atmospheres containing sulphur dioxide (Kesternich corrosion)
- Load test on gully top or manhole cover
- Corrosion resistance in neutral salt mist chamber
- Corrosion resistance in an acetic salt mist chamber
- Determination of the thickness of the protective coating
- Sample preparation for chemical analysis
- Uniformity test of the galvanizing layer (Preece method)
- Temperature controlled tensile test
- Adhesion test of the galvanizing layer
- Determination of the thickness of metal laminates by instrumentation
- Determination of the elastic modulus
- Determination of the mass of the galvanizing layer
- Resilience test, at room temperature
- Resilience test, excluding collection and preparation, at controlled temperature
- Mass determination per meter
- Hardness test, by Rockwell imprint
- Hardness test, by Vickers imprint
- Bending test, excluding collection and preparation
- Hardness test, by sample – Brinnel
- Determination of the tension at 0.2% residual deformation during the tensile test
- Determination of the tension at 0.2% residual deformation during the tensile test
- Collection and preparation of samples, each: for resilience test
- Tensile test on metal laminates, pipes and similar, excluding collection and preparation
- Collection and preparation of specimens, each: for tensile or elastic modulus test
- Collection and preparation of samples
- Determination of the elastic modulus
- Traction test on round slings
- Traction test on rope-connected shackles
- Stress – strain diagram related to the tensile test
- Dimensional checks
- Preparation of heads for tensile and/or elastic modulus tests
- Tensile test excluding preparation
- NETS: determination on the wire of dimensions, tolerances, tensile strength, elongation, coating: verification of the coating quantity, adhesion of the coating, accelerated aging test.Mesh: dimensions
- GABIONS: wire: dimensions and tolerances, tensile strength, elongation, coating: verification of coating quantity, coating adhesion, coating uniformity, accelerated aging test
- Identification of the trademark of the production plant
- ITT initial tests on concrete fibres: tensile strength and elastic modulus
- Dimensional checks
- Determination of the elastic modulus
- Torsion test
- Stress-strain diagram related to the tensile test
- Shear test on anchors or threaded bars, excluding preparation of the concrete support
- Tensile test
- Bending test
- Hardness test, by Vickers imprint.
- Determination of the extraction force of dowels or bars including preparation of block in cement conglomerate, maturation, preparation of bar housing hole, resin coating of sample, sample sealing
- Hardness test, by Rockwell imprint
- Hardness test, by Brinnel imprint.
- Tensile test on screw, with wedge support
- Load test on screws
- Load test on nuts, per sample.
- Determination of the extraction force of dowels
- Tensile test on screw
- Collection and preparation of samples, for tensile test.
- Collection and preparation of samples, each: for resilience test
- Determination of the elastic modulus
- Preparation of a sample of prestressed reinforced concrete for testing
- Bending test on prestressed reinforced concrete bars
- Dimensional checks
- Determination of the tension at 0.2% residual strain with electronic strain gauge during the tensile test
- Stress-strain diagram related to the tensile test
- Adhesion test (Beam Test) including preparation, for type B series (>=16 mm.)
- Determination of the potential of reinforcing rods (corrosion)
- Tensile tests on prestressed reinforced concrete steel bars, for each specimen
- Adhesion test (Beam Test) including preparation, type A series (<16 mm.).
- Dimensional checks
- Stress-strain diagram related to the tensile test
- Identification of the trademark of the production plant as per Decree of the Ministry of Public Works
- Bending and straightening test on reinforced concrete steel bars
- Determination of relative area of fr ribbing or fp indentation
- Traction test on reinforced concrete steel bars
- ETAG of metal anchors for use in concrete. Part five: Bonded Anchors
- ETAG of metal anchors for use in concrete. Part four: Deformation-Controlled Expansion Anchors.
- ETAG of metal anchors for use in concrete. Part two: Torque-Controlled Expansion Anchors
- ETAG of metal anchors for use in concrete. Part three: Undercut Anchors
- ETAG of metal anchors for use in concrete. Part one: Anchors in general.
- Steel fibres – Definitions, specifications and conformity
- Polymeric fibres – Definitions, specifications and conformity
- Additives for mortar for pre-stressing cables
- Additives for sprayed concrete
- Additives for concrete
- Additives for concrete, mortar and mortar for injection – Additives for mortar for masonry
- Anchoring of the steel reinforcement
- Protection against corrosion of the reinforcement
- Fly ash for concrete – Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria
- Concrete injection
- Concrete surface protection systems
- Structural and non-structural repair
- Structural bonding
- Pigments for colouring construction materials and cement and/or lime base – Specifications and test methods
- Adhesives for general uses in structural assemblies – Requirements and test methods
- Structural adhesives – Characterization of anaerobic adhesives for coaxial metal assembly in buildings and civil engineering structures
- Tile adhesives – Definitions and specifications
- Aggregates for protective works (Armourstone) – Specifications
- Aggregates for railway ballasts
- Aggregates for mortar
- Aggregates for unbonded and bonded materials with hydraulic binders for use in civil engineering works and in road construction
- Light aggregates for bituminous conglomerates, surface treatments and for bonded and unbonded applications
- Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airports and other areas subject to traffic
- Light aggregates – Part 1: Light aggregates for concrete, mortar and mortar for injection
- Framework of reference specifications for fluidified and fluxed bitumen binders
- Aggregates for concrete
- Hard grade bitumen for flooring
- Bitumen and bituminous binders – Overview of specifications concerning polymer-modified bitumen
- Cast asphalt
- Bituminous conglomerate with high void content
- Bituminous cationic emulsions
- Closed anti-slip bituminous conglomerate
- Conglomerate with very soft bitumen
- Asphalt bituminous conglomerate
- Hot-produced bituminous conglomerate
- Bituminous conglomerate for very thin layers
- Bitumen and bituminous binders – Specification for bitumens for road applications
- Surface roughening treatments
- Surface treatment with cold mortars – Requirements
- Roof safety hooks
- Permanently secured steps for roofs
- Installations for access to the roof – Walkways, walking surfaces and roof steps
- Preloaded structural bolting assemblies
- Non-preloaded structural bolting assemblies
- Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Products for construction structure applications
- Cold formed hollow sections of unalloyed and fine grain steel for welded structures
- Steel and aluminium structures and components
- Hot rolled steel products
- Profilati cavi finiti a caldo di acciai non legati e a grano fine per impieghi strutturali
- Screeds and materials for screeds – Materials for screeds – Properties and requirements
- Domestic waste water treatment plants pre-assembled and/or assembled on site
- Septic tanks assembled on site from prefabricated kits
- Drainage channels for areas subject to the passage of vehicles and pedestrians
- Prefabricated septic tanks
- Architraves
- Masonry mortars
- Specification for masonry elements – Natural stone masonry elements
- Specification for masonry elements – Agglomerated stone masonry elements
- Vibrocompressed concrete masonry elements (heavy and light aggregates)
- Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry elements
- Specification for masonry elements – Brick masonry elements
- Calcium silicate masonry elements
- Masonry cement – Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
- Construction limes
- Cement – Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements
- Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for blast furnace cements with low initial resistance
- Wood-based panels for use in buildings – Characteristics, conformity assessment and marking
- Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for special cements with very low heat of hydration
- Product requirements for prefabricated structural elements assembled with punched metal sheet connection elements
- Structural wood – LVL – Requirements
- Structural wood with rectangular section classified according to resistance
- Structural wood – Wooden poles for overhead lines
- Road traffic noise reduction devices
- Glued laminated timber
- Continuous facades
- Lightweight expanded clay aggregate products made in situ – Bulk products before installation
- Expanded perlite (ep) products
- Factory made wood wool (ww) products
- Factory made rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) products
- Factory made ellular glass (CG) products
- Geosynthetics – Characteristics required for use in the construction of landfills for accumulation and disposal of solid waste
- Geosynthetics – Characteristics required for use as fluid barriers in the construction of tunnels and underground structures
- Geosynthetics – Characteristics required for use in the construction of landfills for disposal of liquid waste transfer or secondary containment works
- Characteristics required for use in liquid waste containment projects
- Geosynthetics – Characteristics required for use in the construction of reservoirs and dams
- Geosynthetics – Characteristics required for use in canal construction
- Characteristics required for use in the construction of tunnels and underground structures
- Characteristics required for use in landfills for solid waste
- Characteristics required for use in the construction of reservoirs and dams
- Characteristics required for use in canal construction
- Characteristics required for use in drainage systems
- Characteristics required for use in surface erosion control works (coastal protection, shore coverings)
- Characteristics required for use in the construction of railways
- Characteristics required for use in earthworks, foundations and support structures
- Bituminous membranes designed to prevent moisture rising from the ground
- Characteristics required for use in the construction of roads and other areas subject to traffic (excluding railways and inclusion in bituminous conglomerates)
- Products without fire resistance or smoke control properties
- Windows and external pedestrian doors with no fire resistance and/or smoke seal properties
- Reinforced Prefabricated Components in open structure lightweight concrete
- Elements for retaining walls
- Beam and block floor systems: Expanded polystyrene blocks
- Bridge elements
- Beam and block floor systems: Concrete blocks
- Beam and block floor systems: Brick blocks
- Wall elements
- Beam and block floor systems: Beams
- Box elements
- Foundation elements
- Prefabricated concrete garages – Requirements
- Stairs
- Special elements for roofing
- Slabs for floors
- Ribbed elements for floors
- Linear structural elements
- Foundation piles
- Antennas and poles
- Twin wall sheets
- Stable flooring slabs
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