Tecno Piemonte is a private and independent company that offers its services, in particular testing and certification, in the field of civil engineering works. It operates both nationally and internationally, supporting Public Administrations, Businesses and Individuals through its own structures and skills. Since 1981, when it was founded, Tecno Piemonte’s mission has been to contribute to improving safety in the construction sector.
Tecno Piemonte works as a testing laboratory on construction materials, having obtained, even in its early years, ministerial authorisations for the execution and certification of tests on concrete, steels, bricks, hydraulic binders and wood, as well as on land and rocks, according to the current provisions of Italian Presidential Decree 380/2001. Over the years it has won important awards from Italian Ministries such as “Entity with public benefit purpose activities” and “Research Laboratory” and has expanded its areas of interest to new sectors such as chemistry, the environment, road paving and railways, structural mortars and adhesives and ceramic materials. Since 2012 it has been an Accredited Laboratory according to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
Tecno Piemonte is also a Notified Body by the European Commission pursuant to EU Regulation 305/2011 for the assessment and verification of the constancy of performance of construction products. Thanks to the professionalism and experience of its inspectors and technicians and the wide range of laboratory instruments available, Tecno Piemonte offers companies the ideal support in the certification of the construction process and/or product, which allows the manufacturer to affix the CE Marking on the construction product placed on the market. Tecno Piemonte is also a certification body for the factory production control (FPC) process of concrete produced with an industrialised process in accordance with the Technical Standards for Construction under Italian Ministerial Decree 14/01/2008.
Finally, Tecno Piemonte is a personnel certification body, able to qualify the skills of individual operators by issuing qualification licenses.
Tecno Piemonte was born from Marcello Guelpa's dream and idea who, still a student, experience the tragic event of the Biellese flood of 1968 that destroyed houses and roads, dragging whole families with it. Strongly affected by this experience, he decided to dedicate his profession to knowing the various aspects of the construction industry, in order to identify the possible improvements in the quality of civil engineering works to offer greater guarantees of safety and respect for the environment. For him, the surveyor's diploma represented the tool to become one of the interpreters of this world, holding positions such as site manager for some construction companies, coordinator of concrete plants, quarries and asphalt plants, freelance, municipal technician and assistant director of works. A route full of experiences, however missing an important piece for the completion of his professional pathway, where he could pour all the knowledge he had acquired: quality controls as a third party.
ESTABLISHMENT OF TECNO PIEMONTE with offices in Romagnano Sesia (NO)

The dream of the then-student Marcello Guelpa was realised and Tecno Piemonte was founded in the province of Novara, in a central position with respect to important hubs such as Turin and Milan.

What came next is the continuous evolution of the company, which was immediately able to expand its range of action and establish itself as a leader in the field of tests and certifications on construction materials. Over the years it has been recognised both by the esteem and trust of its customers and by the important awards and certifications obtained at Italian and European level. All without ever betraying those founding values of passion for their work, professionalism and the continuous desire to improve.

THE GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY IS BORN inclusion of tests on land and rocks

Tests on BITUMINOUS CONGLOMERATES are also introduced
1st important assignment for TESTS IN THE HIGHWAY SECTOR (A26 Genova- Gravellona Toce)

The laboratory is enriched with the instrumentation TO PERFORM TESTS ON GEOSYNTHETIC MATERIALS

The Tecno Piemonte CHEMICAL LABORATORY IS LAUNCHED which is then enriched by the Environment sector
OBTAINMENT OF THE NOTIFICATION NUMBER 1372 as a Notified European Body for Directive 89/106 /EEC construction products

OPENING OF NEW OPERATING OFFICE IN LENTA (VC) in new buildings with a total surface of more than 6,000 m2
ISSUE OF THE AUTHORISATION DECREE TO CARRY OUT TESTING and certification for laboratory tests on soils and rocks, pursuant to Circular 349/99 Part I

ISSUE OF THE AUTHORISATION DECREE FOR THE ISSUE OF AUTHORISATION DECREE FOR THE ISSUE OF CERTIFICATION for the concrete production process produced with industrialised process under the Technical Standards for construction Italian Ministerial Decree 14/09/2005 14/09/2005


THE MICROBIOLOGICAL LABORATORY IS LAUNCHED for the study of micro-organisms in environmental matrices

THIRD ANNIVERSARY: 65 employees involved in control, testing, analysis, inspection, qualification and monitoring, acting directly within construction sites, industries and production centers.

Tecno Piemonte was born from Marcello Guelpa's dream and idea who, still a student, experience the tragic event of the Biellese flood of 1968 that destroyed houses and roads, dragging whole families with it. Strongly affected by this experience, he decided to dedicate his profession to knowing the various aspects of the construction industry, in order to identify the possible improvements in the quality of civil engineering works to offer greater guarantees of safety and respect for the environment. For him, the surveyor's diploma represented the tool to become one of the interpreters of this world, holding positions such as site manager for some construction companies, coordinator of concrete plants, quarries and asphalt plants, freelance, municipal technician and assistant director of works. A route full of experiences, however missing an important piece for the completion of his professional pathway, where he could pour all the knowledge he had acquired: quality controls as a third party.:] LABORATORY

COSTITUZIONE DI TECNO PIEMONTE con sede a Romagnano Sesia (NO)

Ciò che viene dopo è la continua evoluzione dell'azienda, che riesce da subito ad espandere il proprio raggio di azione e ad affermarsi come leader nel campo delle prove e certificazioni su materiali da costruzioni. Nel corso degli anni questo viene riconosciuto sia dalla stima e fiducia dei propri clienti sia dagli importanti riconoscimenti e certificazioni ottenuti a livello italiano ed europeo. Il tutto senza mai tradire quei valori fondanti fatti di passione per il proprio lavoro, professionalità e continua voglia di migliorarsi.
AUTORIZZAZIONE PER LABORATORIO PROVE materiali ai sensi della legge 1086/71 La società è inizialmente composta da tre collaboratori e si configura come un piccolo laboratorio per prove su acciai e calcestruzzi.

NASCE IL LABORATORIO GEOTECNICO inserimento delle prove su terre e rocce

Vengono introdotte anche le prove SUI CONGLOMERATI BITUMINOSI

1° importante incarico per CONTROLLI NEL SETTORE AUTOSTRADE (A26 Genova- Gravellona Toce)

Il laboratorio si arricchisce della strumentazione PER EFFETTUARE PROVE SU MATERIALI GEOSINTETICI

INIZIA L'ATTIVITÀ DEL LABORATORIO CHIMICO di Tecno Piemonte, che si arricchisce poi del settore Ambiente

OTTENIMENTO DEL NUMERO DI NOTIFICA1372 come Organismo Europeo Notificato per la Direttiva 89/106/CEE prodotti da costruzione

APERTURA NUOVA SEDE OPERATIVA A LENTA (VC) in nuovi fabbricati su una superficie complessiva superiore a 6.000 m2

RILASCIO DEL DECRETO DI AUTORIZZAZIONE A SVOLGERE ATTIVITÀ DI PROVA e certificazione per prove di laboratorio sui terreni e sulle rocce, ai sensi della Circolare 349/99 parte I

RILASCIO DEL DECRETO DI AUTORIZZAZIONE AL RILASCIO DELLA CERTIFICAZIONE del processo di produzione del calcestruzzo prodotto con processo industrializzato ai sensi delle Norme Tecniche per le costruzioni DM 14/09/2005

SI AVVIA IL LABORATORIO MICROBIOLOGICO Per la ricerca di microorganismi nelle matrici ambientali

TRENTESIMO ANNIVERSARIO: 65 collaboratori impegnati nelle attività di controllo, prove, analisi, ispezioni, qualificazioni e monitoraggi intervenendo direttamente nei cantieri, industrie e centri di produzione