Real-time checks on INPS, INAIL and Casse Edili portals. Access for delegates on the INPS website only.
30/06/2015 – The online DURC launched from 01-07-2015. Contribution compliance can be ascertained with a single query in the INPS, INAIL and Casse Edili databases, by entering the tax code of the person in question.
To clarify the procedure, INPS circular 126/2015 and INAIL circular 61/2015 reviewed the existing regulations.
DURC checks
In addition to the INPS and INAIL portals, the checks involve the Casse Edili when the companies are classified or classifiable for social security purposes in the industry or craft sectors for construction activities. The classification for social security purposes only concerns the statistical contribution code (c.s.c.) assigned by INPS to employers operating in the construction sector. The checks will include contribution compliance with regard to Casse Edili if a building c.s.c. is found in the INPS archives for the tax code indicated.
Online checks can be carried out by companies, public administrations, certifying bodies (SOAs), banks and financial intermediaries. Banks and financial intermediaries, as well as the other entities delegated to perform checks, must have a specific proxy that the delegating party must send to the Institutions. For this service, access will for now only be possible via the INPS portal, which has created a special function.
In any case, as already explained by INPS, in the event that inconsistencies are detected, the competent territorial offices must verify within 72 hours whether the non-compliances are real or if they are the result of incorrect filing. In the case of incorrect filing, the compliance of the company can be certified by forcing the procedure. If, on the contrary, the non-compliance is confirmed, the irregularity must be notified within 72 hours, allowing 15 days for the regularization.
On the basis of the Ministry of Finance (MEF) guidelines, INPS states that the entire process must be concluded within 30 days from the presentation of the request for verification.
The summary drawn up by INPS and INAIL follows the operating instructions finalized in the past few days by the Joint Committee for the Casse Edili.
DURC, summary of the rules in force
The social security institutions recalled that checks on contribution compliance will be based on the payments made by the company to employees, collaborators and freelancers. In some cases, such as in private works for post-earthquake reconstruction in Abruzzo, in companies with certified credits on the MEF platform and in those involved in reporting irregular foreign workers, it will be possible to continue with the paper procedure until 1 January 2017.
Differences between amounts due and paid up to EUR 150 for each financial period will not be considered serious. Each company can therefore have “debts” of up to EUR 450.
In the event of checks completed successfully, the system will generate a document in non-editable pdf format valid for 120 days for both public and private works.